The first complete inside story of the Beat Generation
Who they are / What they believe / How they live
Publisher: Black Cat Books
Number: BC-17
Publishing Year: 1962
Printing: First
Cover Price: 75c
Cover Artist:
What does it mean to be "Beat?"
What effect have the "Beats" had on the American Way of Life?
What are their beliefs regarding sex, jazz, the use of drugs? Is the "Beat Generation" a passing fad or a deep-seated revolt? These and many other questions are answered in this book, which uses conversations, personal interviews, and tape recordings to delve beneath the surface and show the real world of the "Beats."
"The Holy Barbarians is replete with the frank autobiographical reminisces of a group of young Americans of extremely varied backgrounds, who hold in common only a complete rejection of the values of bourgeois society. . . .
No One is going to be able to assess the depth and breadth of this rebellion without referring to Lipton's humane and sensitive book."
- Harvey Swados