Kenny is savage, sensitive, menacing and unpredictable. This is his story - a haunting novel of teenage violence, crime and kicks.
FUTURA BOOKS 0 8600 7175 8
1st PRINTING 1975
Kenny Seddon exists. He's as real as you are. This documentary novel explores the sub-world of teenage violence in the northern town of Rochdale - with real people, true events, and disturbing consequences. Only the names have been changed to mask the identities of Kenny and his gang.
You see them any day of the week, hanging round street corners, telling dirty jokes, kicking in bus shelter windows (and sometimes peoples's faces). Charging across football pitches to grapple with rival fans. You read about his kind in books, see him portrayed in films and on television.
But in Rule of Night you're not reading fiction - but fact. Trevor Hoyle spent four months researching the background to this book. He toured the pubs, stood on the terraces, talked to the parents, and through notes and tape-recordings has reconstructed a documented case-history which tries to answer the one question that seems to baffle everybody - what makes Kenny tick?